Here at Engaging Interiors Limited we are feeling positive. This optimism is because we have noticed an upturn in work this year. We got our website redesigned by Alex Campbell Hart towards the end of last year and this has lead to some very interesting enquires. As well as this some of our existing clients are feeling more positive and pushed the button on a couple of projects. The reason this feels so positive is because the last couple of years have been so slow for commercial interior design.
Design Approach
The other thing we are feeling positive about is the way we are starting to approach design. We used to think that our clients were not interested in the environment as the compromises out weighed the benefits. This has all changed thanks to the circular economy and our way of interpreting it.
Our interiors are now more economical and adaptable. This is due to a clever approach to materials and the way we detail our fittings. This new direction is already showing dividends with our existing clients and we have received some good feedback and optimism.

Most of our clients are independent business owners. This makes the design process so much more enjoyable than working with the corporate sector. We help individuals get their ideas off the ground, we then work with them intuitively to turn their ideas into businesses. We then help some of those businesses expand depending on the client’s appetite / success.
Do you have optimism?
Are you feeling the optimism about your business / idea? As you can see from our testimonials if you are an independent business owner we are a good fit. We enjoy supporting our clients through a journey some of them may not have been on before. If you are looking to hire an interior designer feel free to get in touch, just give us a little bit of time to feed your project into our current work load 🤓