Since we established the business in 2006 we have worked with some lovely people. We have not stayed in touch will all of them, but some have used our services regularly, and some have become good friends. When we asked some of our clients if they would consider giving us an interior designer google review we were bowled over by the response.
We have been designing both commercial and residential interiors over the years. There were some consistent themes throughout the reviews.

Interior designer google reviews
As an interior designer google reviews are key to our prospective clients having confidence in us. Our clients generally enjoy the journey. We offer a very personal and focused design experience. This means adapting our approach to fit with the character of the brief. We don’t work for large companies, we work with individuals with independent businesses. This is why it is important to understand the needs of each client and adapt our approach to how the want to work. The different approaches might be related to how we present information or the design process itself. Some projects require more research and development whilst others are more operationally critical.

Commercial Clients
We often thanked by our commercial clients for listening. We do not go into a design with preconceived ideas about how the interior will look. The client will tell us their story of how the project came to be or their ideas. We will then respond in the best way we see fit and the journey begins. With commercial projects we are often tight for space so operational functionality and flexibility are key.
Residential Clients
We always believe the stakes are higher with residential projects. Peoples homes represent them in so many more ways than their businesses do. Our first objective is to make the space work better for the homeowner, this is about updated or extending the layout to suit the clients new use for the space. Our next objective is to improve the feel of the space, this can be lead by so many things, the current finishes, an object or the clients personal choice in colours. The feedback we get generally is that the clients love how much they can do with the new space and how positively that has impacted on their day to day life.
We would once again like to thank our existing clients for our interior designer google reviews. If you would like our help with your interior please feel free to get in touch.